INTRO 關於催化室
「FrameDeFrame 法籃疊法籃」 6mm 方鐵圍成 30cm 見方的法籃 (Frame),在催化室裡以一方方可小可大的格局宣示鳳嬌的喜好與專注,讓方中之物透過催化反應拋開框架,在無邊界的恆常中尋找不設限的姿態。FrameDeFrame-DeFrame-DeFrame-DeFrame 法籃疊法籃疊法籃疊法籃疊法籃…….鳳嬌催化室用方鐵框架子述說萬事萬物可以不斷鏈結、無限擴張的本質;框框,只是我們暫時給予事物的起始位置。
De= 除去 疊 = 鏈結
1 Frame |1 法籃=30 x 30 x 30 cm FrameDeFrame | 法籃疊法籃 = 無框亦無限
Once you enter “Catalysis Chamber”, you’ll be greeted by a seemingly endless metal framework that we call the “FdF” (FramedeFrame). This structure was constructed to be highly functional while retaining flexibility, representing how Fenko fully embraces the ever-changing face of our future. On the left side of Catalysis Chamber are 128 large shelves of paper containing all sorts of paper materials carefully selected by Fenko. The lab table in the center of the space is where all sorts of catalysis reaction happen (discussion seminars, workshops, etc.)